The hamsters are running...

Mobile website coming soon...

Please try the desktop version.



I'm Brayden Barter, a Front-end Developer that (obviously) loves to code. I have a strong focus on UI
and I'm studying for a better understanding of UX.

Skills - HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Responsive Design, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere


  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Responsive Design
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Premiere

× - Personal Portfolio

My personal portfolio was designed with two things in mind, showing off my previous work and showing off what I can do, but haven't put to use on past projects.

The design was initially inspired by Kevin Mortensen's Website - and from that I continued to develop and design as I saw fit.

I personally enjoy single page websites which displays all the content needed in one, with smooth scrolling through the page, which is why I chose this design.

Built with:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript / jQuery
  • Bootstrap 4.5
  • pointer.js

PayWaiv - Financial Mock Up

PayWaiv was a project where I focused on all things design, from the branding, UI and UX design which was heavily inspired by this mock up by Frontend Mentor.

I did some research and design for the iPhone mock ups used on the website and learnt a little bit about wireframing in the process.

Built with:

All Above Reforestation

This project was started in September 2020, with ongoing updates and deployments to the website. All Above is an Australian Reforestation company based in New South Wales, which aims to develop and deploy efficient ways to plant and regenerate local forests and bushland.

All Above is my first freelance project, which also includes ongoing updates and development of the website.

Built with:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript / jQuery
  • Bootstrap 4.5

World of Warcraft Random Class Generator

During my short lived time of playing World of Warcraft, I thought of a way I could combine WoW and website development in to one, so I built a random class generator.

Majority of this project was Javascript based, figuring out how to randomize all the seperate combinations and possibilities of race, class and specialization.

As updates for classes and content continue for the game, I intend on keeping the website updated too.

Built with:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript / jQuery

Random Colour Flipper


This random colour flipper was one of my first projects I completed, with a big focus on the Javascript side of things and less on the design. I learnt a lot in a small amount of time with this project.

Built with:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap 4.5
  • Colours from
  • Comma Remover - helped with colour array

Alium Dining


Alium Dining was a project I began with the permission of my friend, the owner of the restaurant, to design and somewhat rebrand the website from it's original state. I kept some original design elements, specifically the paint brush strokes, the "Alium" font and the menu items.

Built with:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap 4.5
Alium Dining

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...


As a Front-end Developer I build all my websites from scratch, with the aid of libraries such as:
Bootstrap 4, SASS and jQuery.
This enables me to create custom websites that suit the customer, rather than editing pre-existing templates.

Although my knowledge and experience for the back-end is limited, I am still studying and learning more about that on the side.


I live and work in Melbourne, Australia. Although my location is fixed, my ability to work with businesses and clients from other locations is not an issue.

I'm currently looking for a position as a Front-end Developer professionally, so if you're here to check out some of my work, welcome.


Great question. Like most in my generation, I grew up in the booming age of the internet, computers and
social media. I never really considered what it took to build a website until I started googling around. After a few videos and articles, I was hooked.

I enrolled in a handful of Black Friday Sale courses in late 2019, and with 2020 being the year that it was, it was a great time to study and learn some new skills.

I completed a JavaScript course through LinkedInLearning and moved on to a
Full Stack Web Dev Course through Udemy and Devslopes.

My aim is continue learning Front-end, through new and updated technologies while also learning about back-end development, UI and UX design.

Each project I start and complete teaches me something new, whether it seemed so simple after the fact, or something that has taken me weeks to understand. My goal is to learn, there's always room to learn and improve and that's another thing that attracts me to coding.

"Think outside the div." - Kristof Orts


I'm available for website development for small businesses, if you need a website and like the look of my work, don't hesitate to contact me.

Do I sound like the right candidate for the job?

Do you need a website designed and built?

Do you want to share ideas and collaborate?